
The hot cup of tea

HotTea_150Denver aiport, very early morning. She hands me a cup of hot tea in a standard styrofoam cup. Its warmer than expected, not dangerously so, and i can feel my skin react to the heat.

Spiders of Frustration

There was a moment today when I realised I wasn’t being as productive as I would have liked and little spiders of frustration scuttled out of my ears, to the tips of my fingers and toes, and settled in the back of my eyes.

Music in the rain

Vibrations_150pxThere was a moment today – when walking to a 9am test in the rain with my headphones on – that the beat from the music ran through my ears and down my body in waves. They pooled in my feet and gave my stride a bounce as if the ground was a trampoline and the world my playground.

Feeling the change…

cool sparkly_150pxI just loaded a new cover photo on one of my facebook pages…

As I clicked save, I felt a slightly cool sparkly sensation across the skin of my upper torso and face followed by a deep settling in my stomach.

The cold that seeps into your skin

I’m waiting for the car, just about 4 minutes, under-dressed in 3 degree cold Boulder and i can feel the shimmer, not quite a shiver, start at my core and start to move externally out. Its not painful but it is uncomfortable.

When a friend was being asked questions

Vibrations_150pxThere was a moment today (when a friend was being asked questions) that everything lit up. High vibrations everywhere followed by a hot flush washing over my head and down my back.

When plans were changing

There was a moment today (when plans were changing and i did not know what was going to happen next) that I checked my sensations and nothing had changed. there was still the tiny vibrations i mentioned the other day, there was no jump, no extreme. ‘I just was…..’