
Knee throb

I’ve a dull throbbing in my knees. It’s warm, and slightly uncomfortable.

Temple pull

Feeling a strain across my forehead like it is being pulled from the back of the temples

Squeezing abdomen

Gentle squeezing feeling in my abdomen which is lightly tingling

The buzzing under my skin

There was a moment today (an hour or so after waking up) that the shrill, mosquito-like buzzing under my skin, that I couldn’t reach no matter how much I scratched with my finger nails raw, faded to a dull thrum and then to blissful silence.

The Drive Home #sensationalchristmas

cones 200There was a moment (as I approached the roadworks on the M1 and the traffic started to slow) that I felt my whole body settle, it relaxed rather than tensing at the thought of having to slow down.

Before the Drive #sensationalchristmas

iciccles 200There was a moment (when I should have already been on the road to drive to my mum’s for Christmas) that I felt tension in my chest, once I acknowledge it, knowing that I had plenty of time and there was no rush, I felt it dripping away like icicles melting


My stomach feels as though is gently blowing up. My head feels as though it is softly lifting off from my body

Subtle stabbing

I have subtle and dull stabbing sensation across my forehead like somebody is gently poking a pen into me