Thinking about loss
There was a moment when I was thinking about my husband (who I am separated from) when I felt a solid, heavy, fizzy sensation in my chest.
Music in the rain
When my parents returned from holiday
There was a moment today (when I saw my parents for the first time in a month) that I felt a warm, simmering feeling in my chest
The cold that seeps into your skin
I’m waiting for the car, just about 4 minutes, under-dressed in 3 degree cold Boulder and i can feel the shimmer, not quite a shiver, start at my core and start to move externally out. Its not painful but it is uncomfortable.
When I was messaging friends…
When a friend was being asked questions
When plans were changing
There was a moment today (when plans were changing and i did not know what was going to happen next) that I checked my sensations and nothing had changed. there was still the tiny vibrations i mentioned the other day, there was no jump, no extreme. ‘I just was…..’
When I woke up this morning
There was a moment today (When I woke up this morning) when every cell of my body felt like they were full of tiny vibrations